Follow the herd or be different? |
The biggest problem an entrepreneur can face is self-doubt. There are times when things aren't working out for you, and you start thinking you made a mistake by not following the herd. These are the times which decide if you will ever succeed. These are the times when you are most inclined to leave and join the comfort of the herd, and if you leave its very unlikely that you will ever return. It is the struggle that makes you learn a lot of things, that teaches you how to to turn bad times to your advantage, to find opportunities in situations where no one else can.
Then there always are the problems with starting young. Its harder for you to convince people to trust you. You still have a lot to learn about how different and protective people can be when it comes to trusting you with funds. It all adds up to the frustration at times. Letting self doubt creep in at times like these could be your biggest mistake. If you are not convinced that you are good at what you do, you can never convince someone else. This is the reason sometimes being in the bubble of over-confidence helps (will write about it some time later.)
But it has its own charms, promise of independence and challenges, the joy of seeing your ideas take shape. There is no better feeling than that.
So for now, when in doubt always remember these few things. Repeat it to yourself, and believe in them.
- I am an innovator. I have initiative and insight and guts, but not much money. I will succeed because my efforts and my focus will defeat bigger and better-funded competitors. I am fearless. I keep my focus on growing the business—not on politics, or other wasteful distractions.
- I will leverage my skills to become the key to every department of my company, yet realize that hiring experts can be the secret to my success. I will be a fervent and intelligent user of technology, to conserve my two most precious assets: time and money.
- My secret weapon is knowing how to cut through bureaucracy. My size makes me faster and more nimble than any company could ever be. I am a laser beam. Opportunities will try to cloud my focus, but I will not waver from my stated goal and plan and nothing can make me—until I change it. And I know that plans were made to be changed.
- I know there will be troubles, there will be defeats, but I will change, I will adapt. Surviving is succeeding, and each day that goes by makes it easier still for me to reach my goals.
- I pledge to know more about my field than anyone else. I will read and learn and teach. My greatest asset is the value I can add to my clients through my efforts.
You gotta give it to get it. |
- I realize that treating people well on the way up will make it nicer for me on the way back down. I will be scrupulously honest and overt in my dealings, and won’t use my position as a fearless bootstrapper to gain unfair advantage. My reputation will follow me wherever I go, and I will invest in it daily and protect it fiercely.
- I am the underdog. I realize that others are rooting for me to succeed, and I will gratefully accept their help when offered. I also understand the power of favors, and will offer them and grant them whenever I can.
- I have less to lose than most -- a fact I can turn into a significant competitive advantage. I am a salesperson. Sooner or later, my income will depend on sales, and those sales can be made only by me, not by an emissary, not by a rep. I will sell by helping others get what they want, by identifying needs and filling them.
- I am a guerrilla. I will be persistent, consistent, and willing to invest in the marketing of myself and my business. I will measure what I do, and won’t lie about it to myself or my partners.
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