Of Lies, Insomnia, Economics and Dirty Minds...

Everything that happened today looked like it could be a potential topic for a good post, seems like the blog bug has bitten me

But let me just tell you about a few.

If you ever have been a student, (read engineering student), you would definitely agree with what I have to say. We don't get enough time during the normal wake hours because most of it is spent sitting on your butt the whole day, and a man who looks like a butt keeps lecturing you on some alien topic. So we shorten the sleeping hours to accommodate for the things that really interests us.

Effect: Sleeping Disorder.

Shortening the sleeping hours takes its toll.
 We either turn insomniac or
nocturnal. In my case it's insomnia.

So I had my first economics class today. It was supposed to be a 1.5 hours lecture (read torture) after 3 long hours of struggle to not sleep in the class. A lot of us lost the battle and left the class to sleep while I stayed. And now I am glad I did.

The lecturer was not of the usual sloth-human breed you find in engineering colleges.He was humorous. He was smiling. He talked well. Strange  I was wondering why is he in engineering college. The class lasted for an hour and was a refreshing experience.

To add to that, he said a few things that I interpreted in a way he didn't mean

His "Every man has a needs, and he needs to satisfy those needs." had me and my bench-mate laughing.

Trust me! I try.
That was one class worth attending.

I thought the that was the only significant event for the day. But unfortunately, there was another. Just not so "made-my-day" kinda significant but yes, significant.

I came to know I was being lied to. Well, the catch is, by a person I didn't expect it from, and to whom I have been very honest. I have very less tolerance for lies, especially, because I believe small lies pave way to bigger lies, or are some times just the indication that you still dont know the truth.

Why do I believe that & why does it matter. Let's leave that to be the topic of some other post some other time.

Needs a heavy dose of caffeine, love, truth, assurances and clean thinking :P

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