Is Touchscreen That Good ??

It looks good. Doesn't mean it is
How many of you reading this have a touch screen device? I would say a majority. For those who don't, they for sure would want one. Why shouldn't they, everybody is using one, touchscreens seem futuristic, and hell!! this blog is 'iBlogged' the letter 'i' pioneers touch devices, it all started with iPods and the rest is history :).

But have you considered the impact it is having on the way we view the internet, or the way we perceive entertainment. OK, let me try to explain.

Trip to Chennai, IIT Madras

I was at IIT Madras(for some reason the IIT has stubbornly stuck to Madras and not changed the name to Chennai) recently, for a series of workshops on open source technologies, like Android, GIMP, Drupal, etc.

And I wont go for stereotyping in this post.

The logos of Drupal, GIMP, and Android respectively.

Ok. Let me first explain you the terminology. But don't worry I wont go into the tech stuff. Just a memoir of the trip.